
- It involves a different cultural performance that entails their cultural roots and history of their background.

- Group performances i.e Indlamu;(boys and girls); Umshado Tradition; Ingoma (zulu dance) Isicathamiya ;Afro gospel.

Competitions are held at 4 levels: ward; cluster; circuit and province.


- WARD LEVEL :  Participated in 8 categories and obtain 1st position in the FF: Umshado; Afro Gospel; Isicathamiya;amahubo and Ingoma (Traditional Dance) for quite a number of years. 2nd position in other categories

- PROVINCIAL LEVEL : Have won umshado to this level ever since our school started participating. Plenty of trophies and certificates


- Teaches learners their values and culture.

 - Learners value and understand heritage.

 - Develop them with skills on African dances.