
  It is usually performed during the first term of the year.


-  60 learners are trained and be prepared for competitions.

- Prescribed songs distributed to all schools in KZN province up to the National.

- Performing groups varies i.e. double quoted; sextets; soloist; 60 voices and female voices.

- There are 4 levels of the competition : cluster level ;circuit level; Province and National.


Learners Benefits

- Equip learners with skills in singing notes

- Encourages discipline and team work

- Enabling learners to tour around  KZN Province and the Country at large




From 1985 to date



- Have won 34 trophies first positions, 15 for position 2 and many certificates for participation and position 3s.


-  Have won 19 trophies for 1st position 15 trophies 2nd position .Plenty certificate of participation and position 3s


- Have won 4 trophies in Province level and certificate for participation.